RoadRunner's Doves
Welcome to my website. At this site you can read details about my hobby of 'Dove Keeping' including details of the doves that I have for sale; and how to buy a copy of my books
'Practical Dove Keeping a Complete Guide.' - 'Let's Build a Dovecote.' and Let's Build a Dove-loft.'
I can also occasionally offer a bespoke dovecote building service, or I can modify or repair your existing dovecote.
As indicated by the heading at the top of my website I also write other books, details of which are included within this website.
RoadRunner's Doves
To access the full index select 'Home' in the above menu. There are currently six 'Main Pages' with 'Sub-Pages'.
1. My 'Home' Page.
2. Dove Related.
3. Blog Emma Refurb.
4. Blog Mungo Refurb.
5. Books General.
6. Books Published.
Depending on your computer' or viewing tablet, not all the main pages may be visible in the main menu. To acess the content of those in the main menu open the appropriate 'Drop Down List Box'.
If there are any hidden main pages a 'MORE' symbol will appear on the right hand side of the index, select 'MORE' and then select the appropriate page.
12 May 2022
The right of RoadRunner a.k.a. AAM-TAI-PAN to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Last Updated / Amended 09 November 2022
Appreciating that people who are interested in doves do not necessarily want to read about other things I have now broken my previous single Blog into five different Blogs. These are:
1. Blog - General: [08 May 2022].
2. Blog - Dove Keeping: [15 March 2022].
3. Blog - Campervanning: [13 October 2022].
4. Blog - Building Kermit: [29 March 2021].
5. Blog - Building Pegasus: [08 September 2021 2021). This Blog is now closed.
I have now changed the chronological order of the Blog(s) so that the earliest submissions appear first.
On 16 June 2021 I added two more Blogs:
6. Blog - Emma Refurb: [04 November 2022].
7. Blog - Muffin Rebuild: [08 September 2021].
On 10 August 2021 I added one more Blog:
8. Blog - Mungo Refurbishment: (09 November 2022].
The last amendment dates are shown in box brackets.
Apart from dove keeping we both have several other hobbies and one that gives us mutual pleasure is going off in our campervan. In 2018 I wrote a book titled "Building a Motor Caravan." On 24 March 2020 I republished this book under the title 'Building & Using a Campervan'.
Further details are under the above (Index), heading 'Building Campervans'.
Sometimes an Amazon search is less than effective! If you have trouble finding my book then please type in 'AAM-TAI-PAN' which should then produce a list of my books under that Pseudonym.