Bespoke Dovecote Building Service:
My background is engineering but my hobbies have always included woodwork and to a lesser extent cabinet making. In the past I have made all sorts of things in wood including; ornamental boxes, Windsor and spindle type chairs and tables etc. In later years my attention has turned to more practical carpentry such as building bee hives, sheds and dovecotes.
I enjoy designing and building dovecotes but as I have limited myself to a maximum flight size of 50 doves I have no wish to personally own another dovecote. To pass some of my leisure hours I am offering a bespoke dovecote building, modifying and repair service in which I will modify or repair a dovecote to your instructions; or alternatively build you a dovecote to either your own design or alternatively to one of the designs in my book.
Please note that I prefer function over form and I design and build practical dovecotes that can be ornamental. I do not build ornamental dovecotes that are not practical.
Due to my numerous hobbies I do not have a lot of spare time and it is unlikely that I would find the time to build more than 4 dovecotes a year. It is not my intention to start a dovecote building company, rather I would consider building dovecotes for those dove keepers who purchase my book and realize that they do not have the time or inclination to build their own dovecote.
Finally; after much consideration I have decided not to paint dovecotes anymore. I enjoy building dovecotes not painting! If you want a dovecote building then I will build it and treat all hidden cavities with an appropriate form of timber treatment, but the painting is down to the purchaser. The advantage to the purchaser is that the initial cost will be considerably cheaper.
If you are interested then please contact me;