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The Rolling Restoration of 'Emma' an NG TD Kit Car:

It recently occurred to me that the NG Forum articles thatI have written on refurbishing ‘Emma’ my MGB based NG TD kit car are now buriedin the long and distant past (archives). The obvious solution was to group allthe articles together in a single place by writing a short book covering therefurbishment tasks that have been carried out to improve Emma and make hermore reliable.


For convenience some of these articles were from therestoration of ‘Muffin’, my MGB based NG TA, and some of the electrical contentis taken from two of my other relevant books (Let’s Build a Kit car – The Storyof ‘Kermit’ an Aero Cycle Car (published December 2020) and The Restoration of‘Mungo’ – A Lomax 224 Kit Car (Due for publication in September 2022).

Emma is not a concours car, rather she is a rollingrefurbishment of a decent car that was first built over 20 Years ago.

It is my intention to add additional information to thisbook as and when problems occur; one of the advantages of an e-Book is thatonce you purchase the original book you can download amended copies at no extracost (details in the book).

Due to the current high cost of printing the only formatthat this book is currently available in is as an e-Book. If I receivesufficient enquiries for paperbacks I will make them available. Unfortunately as the A5 sized book contains 206 pages the cost will be in the region of £9plus postage at cost price. 

24 June 2022