e-Books on Doves:

Practical Dove Keeping a Complete Guide:

Although my book will tell you most, if not all of what you need to know about keeping doves it is not a reference book. It is essentially my story based on my own dove keeping experiences.

Although not intended as a reference book; i.e. it is not cross indexed to death, it is nevertheless a comprehensive guide on all aspects of dove keeping; including:

Why keep doves? - Types of dove. - Anatomy of a dove. - Are doves a nuisance? - Is it a dove or a pigeon? - Advice for buying / obtaining doves. - My top ten tips for new dove keepers. - Advantages and disadvantages of the various types of habitation. - Guarding against predators. - Location of the dovecote. - Tips for buying a dovecote. - Erecting a dovecote. - Roosting areas. - From the cradle to the grave. - Hand rearing young chicks. - Hand taming your doves. - Sexing young doves. - Homing doves. - Providing care. - Ailments and medication. - Limiting flight numbers. - Catching doves. - Humane despatch or culling. - To ring or not to ring? - Record keeping. - Regular cleaning and maintenance. Dealing with droppings at the base of the dovecote. - Replacing a dovecote or removing for maintenance. - Building your own dovecote. - Disconnected jottings. - Useful links, - and much more.

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